Pennsylvania Military College
Class of 1968

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PMC Rooks '64-PMC Cadets '68
Identify classmates and REPORT your findings to - - PMC68reunion@gmail.com
1968 Plus 50 years - PMC Luncheon May 9, 2018 - Our Class Attendees - Who can identify our class personnel?
The Dome - Nov 30, 1966 - Vol 21, No 5, Pg 3
Who, What, Where - - - - "Times They Were a Changing!"
The Dome - Full Issue - Nov 30, 1966, Vol 21, No 5
SABRE & SCROLL 1968 - - - Plus
Who, What, Where - - - - c'67 photo. Who can ID the Platoon Sergeant, c'68? What Company and platoon is on parade?
Who, What, Where - - - & When - - - HQ leads the PMC Corps in "Pass in Review". On this day, four c'68 Cadets comprise the HQ Staff, TDY CO, TDY XO, TDY Drum Major, & Guidon Bearer, not TDY. Who can name the four c'68 Cadets, comprising the HQ Staff.
Who, What, Where - - - Recently posted on PMC FB Group by Andy Fraser, HQ, c'67 - Military Ball - Who can identify c'68 Brothers?
Who, What Where - - - Ernie's favorite statement was "It won't be long Now!".
Today, Ernie would modify his statatemet: "It won't be long Now to your September 2017 Gettysburg Mini-Reunion and your October 2018 PMC 50th Anniversary Reunion!"
September 2017 Gettysburg Mini-Reunion Information (Click Here)
Who, What, Where - - - Who remembers this morning? Who knows the painters?
Read "The Pink Tank Incident Legend" as recorded on the "PMC Remembrance" site.
1967 Yearbook - CT French and his Champion Relay Team members.
Who, What, Where - - - What are you viewing? It's not a PMC Campus building? It was many a PMC Cadet's destination. (Hints: More to be written after time for thought!)
Who, What, Where - - - Let's take the "Who". "Who is our No. 74 football player?
PMC Brothers return - - - Let's begin with the 1968 Tau Kappa Epsilon Brothers.
Remember When - - - From the 1966 Sabre & Sash: PMC Campus aerial view - our home from late August 1964 to end of May 1968. For some, summers were included. Posting PMC brothers will soon return.
Who, What, Where - - - Still taking a short break from posting PMC brothers. Is this young girl the littlest PMC co-ed cheerleader or their "dynamite, cute" Squad Leader?
Who, What, Where - - - Am taking a short break from posting PMC brothers. Who remembers when PMC had co-ed cheerleaders?
Who, What, Where - - - Was smoking acceptable listening to the PMC Alma Mater?
Who, What, Where - - - Can anyone identify the personnel in this photo and what may be happening? (Hint: Are there stars in future for one? Answer: Yes for the standing cadet, c'70!)
1965 Yearbook - Who remembers that PMC had a Skeet Team comprised of many c'68 Rooks?
1968 Plus 49 years - PMC Luncheon May 3, 2017 - Our Class Attendees - Who can identify our class personnel? The answer is:
Rear Rank (left to right): Bob Murphy, Blair Schupp, Arthur Jack, Bill Lewis, Greg Smith, & Herb Richman. Front Rank (left to right): Ron Romanowicz, Jim Love, Ted Battafarano, Rich Borton, & Ken Byerly (Honorary Attendee)
Who, What, Where - - -"When do their parents leave & we commence Rook indoctrination?"
1967 Yearbook - Tom Vossler & Chuck Goldberg seem to be engrossed in their assignment.
1967 Yearbook - Cadet Captain Joseph Charles, c'67, Brigade staff, very curious about Carlo's, Brigade Staff, clipboard recordings.
1967 Yearbook - Stephen Ridzon, in "shades", our soon to be Brigade Adjudant.
1967 Yearbook - Is the hour late for one? John Derr, "Microbe Hunter", fights through fatique!
1967 Yearbook - "The Dome": What is Brian thinking? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ???? "Sure wish this typewriter was electric?" Or "I could turn this into a career in journalism!"
TBT - 1960's MacMoreland Center Mess Hall - Can you identify any cadet and the '60s year?
Who remembers these? An HQ PVT's personal collections tells a PMC Story!
Pool Tournament?? - Class of 1968 vs Class of 1967 Who can name the athletes/competitors?
Can you name this ceremony?
Uniform of the Day!
It's 1967 - Our Jr Ring Dance! Now it's 2017 - Our Rings will celebrate their 50th Anniversary!
Wonder what Bill is explaining? Or is he camera shy? Or is the 2nd Rook asking "Who me?"
Cadet Corps in the stadium for a 1967 Football Home Game.
Pulaski Day Parade 1967 - BG Co Steve Raho & the BG Staff
Azalea Day Parade 1968_Norfolk VA - Who is the lead officer & HQ Drum Major?
Bill Luckenbill emailed: "The cadet officer leading in the 68 azalea parade is Hank Bachman. Note that he is wearing armor brass on his collar and was at Ft. Knox with Steve Carnevale, Eddie Johnson, Herb Richman, Ihor Kolbasa, Reese Crowe and Bill Luckenbill in 1970."
Five HQ, PMC c'68, Brothers - Who can name these Cadets/Brothers?
You mean they used to stand like this?
Did Rooks Text or Twitter in 1964? "Good Chins Rook!"
". . . Somethin old, something new . . . "
"Hmm-Where were you Mister?" "More Chins Rook!" 4th Rook, "You eye-balling me Rook?"
"Did Bill, "Rabbit", miss Mess III that night?" "Did John win or allow the "Sir" to Win?"
Skeet Team Judo Club
Glee Club - Who were our c'68 singers?
Wonder what these Rooks, c'68, are thinking?
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